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Adeniyi Olagunju

and 9 more

Abstract Aim: An LC-MS/MS method to quantify drug in dried cervicovaginal secretions from flocked swab was developed and validated using the antiretroviral efavirenz as example. Methods: Cervicovaginal swabs (CVS) were prepared by submerging flocked swabs in efavirenz-spiked matrix. Time to full saturation, weight uniformity, recovery and room temperature stability were evaluated. Chromatographic separation was on a reverse-phase C18 column by gradient elution using 1mM ammonium acetate in water/acetonitrile at 400 µL/min. Detection and quantification were on a TSQ Quantum Access triple quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in negative ionisation mode. The method was used to quantify efavirenz in CVS samples from HIV-positive women in the VADICT study (NCT03284645). Results: Swabs were fully saturated within 15 seconds, absorbing 128 µL of matrix with coefficient of variation (%CV) below 1.3%. The method was linear with a weighting factor (1/X) in the range of 25-10000 ng/mL with inter- and intra-day precision (% CV) of 7.69-14.9%, and accuracy (% bias) of 99.1-105.3%. Mean recovery of efavirenz from CVS was 83.8% (%CV, 11.2) with no significant matrix effect. Efavirenz remained stable in swabs for at least 35 days after drying and storage at room temperature. Median (range) CVS efavirenz AUC0-24h was 16370 ng*h/mL (5803-22088), Cmax was 1618 ng/mL (610-2438) at a Tmax of 8.0 h (8.0-12), and Cmin was 399 ng/mL (110-981). Efavirenz CVS:plasma AUC0-24 ratio was 0.41 (0.20-0.59). Conclusion: Further application of this method will improve our understanding of the pharmacology of other therapeutics in the female genital tract, including in low- and middle-income countries.

Rajith Rajoli

and 22 more

Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been declared a global pandemic and urgent treatment and prevention strategies are needed. Nitazoxanide, an anthelmintic drug has been shown to exhibit in vitro activity against SARS-CoV-2. The present study used physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling to inform optimal doses of nitazoxanide capable of maintaining plasma and lung tizoxanide exposures above the reported nitazoxanide SARS-CoV-2 EC90. Methods: A whole-body PBPK model was validated against available pharmacokinetic data for healthy individuals receiving single and multiple doses between 500–4000 mg with and without food. The validated model was used to predict doses expected to maintain tizoxanide plasma and lung concentrations above the nitazoxanide EC90 in >90% of the simulated population. PopDes was used to estimate an optimal sparse sampling strategy for future clinical trials. Results: The PBPK model was successfully validated against the reported human pharmacokinetics. The model predicted optimal doses of 1200 mg QID, 1600 mg TID, 2900 mg BID in the fasted state and 700 mg QID, 900 mg TID and 1400 mg BID when given with food. For BID regimens an optimal sparse sampling strategy of 0.25, 1, 3 and 12h post dose was estimated. Conclusion: The PBPK model predicted tizoxanide concentrations within doses of nitazoxanide already given to humans previously. The reported dosing strategies provide a rational basis for design of clinical trials with nitazoxanide for the treatment or prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Steven Rannard

and 2 more

Dear editor,Given time, drug discovery programmes will undoubtedly yield highly potent drugs to form the basis of optimised COVID-19 regimens. However, if efficacious therapies can be identified from current medicines, repurposing represents the fastest route to establish deployable interventions and buy time for vaccine and novel drug development. It is important to note that effective medicines were rigorously optimised for the treatment of specific indications. Route of administration, dosage and schedules for existing therapies were optimised to provide adequate plasma/tissue pharmacokinetics and safety for their target disease or condition. These cannot be assumed to be optimal for COVID-19 but are often highly predictable from pre-existing data and clinical experience. For example, hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir recently failed to deliver benefits in RCTs for mild/moderate and severe disease,1, 2 but the clear disconnect between reportedin vitro antiviral activity and known human pharmacokinetics after administration of approved doses was predictable.3Interpretation of laboratory-based antiviral activity assessments is complicated by current uncertainty regarding the appropriateness of the existing model systems. The majority of in vitro antiviral screening assays have utilised Vero cells, which were derived from the kidney of African Green Monkey in the 1970s, and the lack of clinical evidence for which to validate the exposure-response relationship in humans is problematic. Evidence is emerging that the anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity of drugs may be higher in cells derived from humans. However, the question of which cell types are most representative of in vivo performance is yet to be addressed, and all that can really be concluded from current knowledge is that the susceptibility of SARS-CoV-2 to antivirals is cell-type-dependent. The consequences of this in terms of the variety of cell types known to be infected and/or sustain productive infection in vivo is equally uncertain, and further exacerbated by the lack of robustly validated animal models. However, repurposed drugs cannot be assumed to be active against SARS-CoV-2 at a dose that was optimised on the basis of potency for and accumulation at their initial therapeutic target.Nucleoside/nucleotide polymerase inhibitors have proven highly successful for other viruses, but usually require combination with another drug class. Remdesivir and favipiravir have in vitro anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity across multiple studies, and the unprecedented speed at which they have transitioned through COVID-19 RCTs can only be commended.4, 5, 6 Daily IV infusion may make inherent sense for severely ill patients, but a transformational impact for COVID-19 can only be realised if wide compatibility with global healthcare systems and equitable access across all country contexts is achieved. While reduction in symptom duration may mitigate healthcare saturation in high-income countries, the absence of a clear benefit for mortality diminishes game-changing potential. However, the clinical validation of the antiviral activity of such drugs will make them clear candidates for implementation as part of community-based interventions if other challenges are addressed. Importantly, the combination of nucleoside analogues with a secondary target such as the protease has stood the test of time in antiviral pharmacology. The recent reports of low-dose dexamethasone leading to an impact on mortality7 is a significant step forward but long-term mitigation of viral transmission, with subsequent economic and social restrictions, requires antiviral treatment or prevention to minimise hospitalisation through a community-targeted approach.Focussing on existing single drugs, and not appropriately formulated medicines, will require the rethinking of a number of medicine development parameters such as posology, reformulation and therapeutic index (Figure 1); current HIV medicines, for example, are formulated for chronic (life-long) dosing to moderate and control disease but a successful COVID-19 therapy will likely require only a short term acute administration to rapidly cure the patient. Conversely, different considerations are required for longer-term applications in COVID-19 chemoprophylaxis, which could have a dramatic effect on control of the pandemic.Many advanced drug delivery technologies have emerged in recent years. Long-acting drug delivery involving injectable, implantable or microarray patch mediated delivery have attracted enormous recent interest for prevention of other infectious diseases,8, 9 and the ability to deliver potent antiviral combinations for a period of months could play a transformational role in the absence of a safe and efficacious vaccine. The physicochemistry and activity of the polymerase inhibitors, and other drugs with known anti SARS-Cov-2 activity, also warrants investigation of pulmonary delivery via nebuliser or metered dose inhaler for direct dosing to the upper airways to supplement systemic drug delivery as pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis. Several advanced drug delivery strategies can be applied rapidly and do not need to be prohibitively expensive for global community programmes. It seems unlikely that a global pandemic can be ended if effective medicines are only available to the few and equitable access is therefore of benefit to all. Importantly, relying solely upon pre-existing formulations and posologies optimised for other diseases carries inherent risk of rejecting drug candidates with an otherwise high potential for global impact.