Whole genome sequencing reveals distinct population structure in a high
gene flow marine species, Australasian snapper (Chrysophrys
The identification of genetically distinct populations is central to the
management and conservation of wild populations. Whole-genome-sequencing
allows for high-resolution assessment of genetic structure, demographic
connectivity and the impacts of selection acting on different parts of
the genome. Here, we utilise population genomics to investigate the
genetic structure of the Australasian snapper or Tāmure
(Chrysophrys auratus), an ecologically, economically, and
culturally important (taonga) marine fish. We analysed over four million
high-quality SNPs obtained by whole-genome sequencing from 382
individuals collected across its New Zealand range. We identified two
genetic clusters (an eastern and western cluster) with genetic
disjunctions around on either side of the North Island of New Zealand.
These genetic clusters do not match the current fisheries management
areas. Pairwise-FST and ADMIXTURE analyses showed the
presence of directional gene flow occurring at both genetic disjunctions
from the East to the West cluster. We hypothesize that major ocean
currents are limiting the dispersal of snapper at these genetic
disjunctions. The heterogeneous coastal environment is also likely
driving evolutionary change. A genome scan identified four significantly
divergent genomic regions between genetic clusters. A diverse pattern of
genetic variation in these regions implies that different evolutionary
processes drive local adaptation in these clusters. Identification of
candidate genes in these regions also provides a tentative connection to
which traits may be under selection. Our results provide novel insights
into New Zealand’s coastal environment influences evolutionary
processes, and valuable information for effective management of the
snapper fisheries.