Temporal partitioning facilitates the coexistence of carnivore mammals
in a large but isolated Atlantic Forest remnant
Temporal partitioning is an important mechanism for carnivore mammals
that live in sympatry in current forest remnants. We evaluated whether
temporal partitioning would facilitate coexistence among carnivores in a
tropical forest and its adjacent human-related area, as well as if there
is a possible correlation between the activity patterns of these
carnivores and their potential prey. We used camera traps and circular
statistics to explore the degree of temporal overlap between dominant
and subordinate predators, as well as between predators and their
potential preys. Pumas (Puma concolor) were less active when jaguars
(Panthera onca) were more active. Overall, ocelots (Leopardus pardalis)
and crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) presented either a strong or a
weak temporal partitioning with jaguars and pumas, respectively, but
apparently spatial or dietary segregation might facilitate more their
coexistence with these large predators. Tayras (Eira barbara) and coatis
(Nasua nasua) were diurnal and, therefore, did not overlap temporally
with nocturnal carnivores, except pumas. In the human-related area,
ocelots were mostly nocturnal and pumas diurnal, probably due to the
temporal activity of their related preys. Our findings suggest that
temporal partitioning may allow coexistence between our studied
predators in one of the largest Atlantic Forest remnant in Brazil, but
preys have an important role, shifting the activity pattern of their
predators according to the studied area.