A concerted research effort to advance the hydrological understanding of
Tropical Páramos
The páramos, a neotropical alpine grassland-peatland dominated biome of
the northern Andes and Central America, play an essential role in
regional and global cycles of water, carbon, and nutrients. They act as
water towers, delivering water and ecosystem services mainly from the
continental water divide at the Andean highland down to the Pacific and
Amazon regions. The anthropogenic influence in form of the climate
crisis exerts enormous pressures on these identified “hotspot”
ecosystems and increases the vulnerability of nearby populations
undermining the socio-economic and human development. Further,
increasing pressures reduce the resilience to face climate shocks, and
dramatically alters the hydro-climatic regime and shifts the páramos
from long-term carbon sinks towards carbon sources. Despite their
importance and vulnerability, only three decades ago, páramos, were
globally among the least studied ecosystems. However, researchers have
since identified them as ideal targets for solving water scarcity issues
and to offset carbon emissions. Increasing awareness of the need for
hydrological evidence to guide sustainable management of the páramos
prompted action for generating data and to fill long-standing knowledge
gaps. This has led to a remarkably successful community-research-policy
effort to generate this knowledge. The combination of well-established
and innovative approaches was used to data collection, processing and
knowledge extraction. In this review, we provide a short overview of the
state of knowledge of the hydrometeorology, flux dynamics, anthropogenic
and the influence of extreme events in the regional páramos. Then, we
present emerging technologies for hydrology and water resources research
and management applied to páramos. Lastly, we discuss how converging
science and policy efforts have leveraged traditional and new
observational techniques to generate an evidence base that can support
the sustainable management of the páramos. We conclude that this
co-evolution of science policy was able to cover different spatial and
temporal scales. Finally, we outline future research directions to
showcase how sustainable long-term data collection can be sustained for
the responsible development of páramo water towers.