Preconditioning improves bleaching susceptibility in the reef-building
coral Pocillopora acuta through modulations in autophagy pathway
Stony corals heavily rely on their intracellular algal symbionts for
energetical supply. Increasing extreme weather driven by climate change
often leads to disruption of the symbiosis and to coral death,
threatening the sole existence of coral reefs, the key underwater
ecosystems. As climate change mitigation outcomes are uncertain, it is
important to search for ways to increase coral resilience towards future
climate conditions, thermal extremes in particular. It has been shown
that corals can withstand stress conditions better after previous
exposure, but the mechanism remains unclear. Here we show that after
three-day thermal preconditioning, stony coral Pocillopora acuta becomes
more resilient to acute heat stress through modulations in cell
signaling. In preconditioned corals, the expression of pro-survival gene
pBcl-2 increases relatively to pro-death genes pBak and pBax during
thermal stress, and the coral bleaching rate significantly decreases.
After pBcl-2 activity inhibition, preconditioned corals lose the
acquired beneficial phenotype and bleach at the same rate as
non-preconditioned corals, which confirms the crucial role of programmed
cell death in coral bleaching and acclimatization. The detailed analysis
points to the involvement of autophagy/symbiophagy rather than apoptosis
in the process. A similar shift in gene expression also occurs in
thermally stressed corals that have previously acclimatized to summer
temperatures in Kaneohe Bay, Hawai’i, suggesting that corals can
naturally increase their resilience to warming events during high-risk
periods through alterations in cell signaling. An in-depth understanding
of molecular mechanisms underlying coral acclimatization and resilience
could open the way for restoration practices such as human-assisted