Eman AbdelSabour
Ph.D. Candidate
Eman has been working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Architecture and Urban Planning Department in Qatar University while following the Ph.D. double degree program between Politecnico Di Milan and Qatar Univesity in urban planning. Her Ph.D. title is A Sustainable Neighbourhood Code for Doha; the main research aim is to develop a set recommendation to improve urban sustainability for existing neighbourhood. The Ph.D. research is made possible by GSRA grant 1‐1‐1119‐13006 from the Qatar national research. In 2004 she completed studies in post-graduate courses at the Cairo University Faculty of Engineering, in Urban Planning and Design and Landscape and Urban Planning. In 2009 Eman achieved a Masters with Honours in Landscape and Urban Planning, at the Scuola Superiore di Catania, Catania, Italy. For the Masters course she completed a dissertation entitled, 'Liveable Urban Spaces- Environmental and social considerations to enhance liveability of abandoned city spaces'.