The GFDL-CM4X climate model hierarchy, Part I: model description and
thermal properties
We present the GFDL-CM4X (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Climate
Model version 4X) coupled climate model hierarchy. The primary
application for CM4X is to investigate ocean and sea ice physics as part
of a realistic coupled Earth climate model. CM4X utilizes an updated
MOM6 (Modular Ocean Model version 6) ocean physics package relative to
CM4.0, and there are two members of the hierarchy: one that uses a
horizontal grid spacing of $0.25^{\circ}$ (referred
to as CM4X-p25) and the other that uses a
$0.125^{\circ}$ grid (CM4X-p125). CM4X also refines
its atmospheric grid from the nominally 100~km (cubed
sphere C96) of CM4.0 to 50~km (C192). Finally, CM4X
simplifies the land model to allow for a more focused study of the role
of ocean changes to global mean climate.
CM4X-p125 reaches a global ocean area mean heat flux imbalance of
within $\mathcal{O}(150)$ years in a pre-industrial
simulation, and retains that thermally equilibrated state over the
subsequent centuries. This 1850 thermal equilibrium is characterized by
roughly $400~\mbox{ZJ}$ less ocean heat
than present-day, which corresponds to estimates for anthropogenic ocean
heat uptake between 1850 and present-day. CM4X-p25 approaches its
thermal equilibrium only after more than 1000 years, at which time its
ocean has roughly $1100~\mbox{ZJ}$
{\it more} heat than its early 21st century ocean
initial state. Furthermore, the root-mean-square sea surface temperature
bias for historical simulations is roughly 20\% smaller in
CM4X-p125 relative to CM4X-p25 (and CM4.0). We offer the
{\it mesoscale dominance hypothesis} for why CM4X-p125
shows such favorable thermal equilibration properties.