Widespread and thick weathering layer promotes rapid infiltration
beneath steep topography in the Nepal Himalayas
- Kapiolani Teagai,
- John J. Armitage,
- Niels Hovius,
- Leo Agelas,
- Nobuaki FUJI,
- Luc Illien,
- Basanta Raj Adhikari,
- Christoff Andermann
Christoff Andermann
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Author ProfileAbstract
Groundwater flow paths in mountainous regions dictate how water is
transferred from the surface, through the weathering zone, and into the
bedrock aquifer system. Previous studies have established the critical
role of bedrock aquifers in sustaining mountain river flow through the
gradual release of water. However, the specific pathways that
groundwater takes in the weathering zone to reach deeper aquifers remain
poorly understood. In this study, we investigate the
compartmentalization and transfer of water from surface rainfall input
to a deep groundwater reservoir within a steep Himalayan catchment in
central Nepal covering a pre-, during and post-monsoon season. We
employed a comprehensive approach, integrating inverted electrical
resistivity changes in the upper few tens of meters below the surface
with geochemical and hydrological measurements, including infiltration
rates. This has helped us to determine groundwater distribution and
dynamics. We found a laterally extensive weathering zone with
predominantly very high surface infiltration capacity. In steep mountain
topography, this permeable mantle plays a key role in regulating
catchment hydrology by efficiently absorbing rainfall and transferring
surface water into groundwater from the onset of monsoon. In the study
catchment, groundwater flows both vertically downward into the mountain
bedrock interior, and parallel to the subsurface within the weathering
zone and colluvial hollows. Our work enhances understanding of the
mechanisms that recharge the mountain groundwater reservoir, govern
spring location and activity, and may support water resource management
in regions vulnerable to climate variability and change.26 Nov 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive 27 Nov 2024Published in ESS Open Archive