Total and anthropogenic inorganic carbon fluxes in the Southern Ocean
mixed layer from an eddying global ocean model
The Southern Ocean (SO) south of 35°S represents a small source of
natural inorganic carbon for the atmosphere but a major sink of
anthropogenic carbon. The magnitude of the total (natural plus
anthropogenic) carbon sink strongly depends on the rate at which carbon
is subducted below the mixed layer. We use a global ocean model at
eddying resolution under preindustrial and historical conditions to
provide a detailed view of total and anthropogenic dissolved inorganic
carbon (DIC) pathways across and within the time-varying mixed layer of
five physically consistent regions. Within each region, subduction
fluxes at the mixed layer base are decomposed into advective and
diffusive contributions to determine which process dominates. Total DIC
is found to be obducted south of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
(ACC), transferred northward within the mixed layer and subducted north
of the ACC. This results in a net obduction of 11.2 PgC/year, with
advective processes dominating the total transfer (67%). Anthropogenic
carbon is taken up in all regions but anthropogenic DIC is mainly
subducted north of the ACC, the carbon taken up in the south being
advected northward within the mixed layer before being subducted. This
subduction (1.05 PgC/year) is achieved mainly through advection and
diffusion, which dominate respectively north and south of the
Subantarctic Front. Advective subduction fluxes show strong zonal
variations and are increased near major topographic features and
boundary currents. Our results suggest that we need to untangle
advective and diffusive pathways regionally in order to understand how
carbon subduction will evolve.