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Multiple seamount subduction and lithological variability possibly control pore fluid pressure and shallow slow earthquake activity in Nankai Trough off Muroto
  • +5
  • Paul Caesar M Flores,
  • Shuichi Kodaira,
  • Gaku Kimura,
  • Kazuya Shiraishi,
  • Yasuyuki Nakamura,
  • Gou Fujie,
  • Tetsuo No,
  • Yuka Kaiho
Paul Caesar M Flores
Yokohama National University

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Shuichi Kodaira
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
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Gaku Kimura
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
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Kazuya Shiraishi
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
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Yasuyuki Nakamura
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
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Gou Fujie
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
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Tetsuo No
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
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Yuka Kaiho
Japan Marine Science & Technology Center
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The clustered distribution of shallow slow earthquakes in the Nankai Trough has been attributed to different factors such as seamount subduction, pore fluid pressure, fluid migration, and sediment input. However, there is still a lack of comprehensive understanding of how these factors interact to generate slow earthquakes. We examined the seismic reflection profiles crossing four subducted seamounts off Muroto to understand how it deforms the accretionary wedge. Along-trough reflection profiles within the accretionary wedge were also used to infer the lithology of the underthrusted sediments. The seamounts are at different stages of subduction and their associated underplated sediments were identified. Comparison with sandbox models indicate that the underplated sediments are likely comprised of fluid-rich trench fill sediments. A negative polarity decollement and transparent underthrust is observed off Muroto. The transparent underthrust is interpreted as mudstone, while stratified underthrust sediments in other regions is interpreted as turbidites. By comparing with numerical simulations, we propose the following deformational history off Muroto: (1) subduction of the first seamount resulted in underplating of a large volume of fluid-rich trench fill sediments, (2) the underplated sediments are undergoing horizontal compression from subsequent subduction of the three seamounts resulting in high pore pressure consistent with previously reported low velocity zones, and (3) the horizontal compression may also result in fluid expulsion and these fluids migrate updip and get trapped because the mudstones serve as an impermeable cap. This mechanism accounts the aforementioned factors associated with slow earthquakes and likely controls the clustered distribution off Muroto.
18 Oct 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
18 Oct 2024Published in ESS Open Archive