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Ocean surface wave slopes and wind-wave alignment observed in Hurricane Idalia
  • +6
  • Jacob R Davis,
  • Jim Thomson,
  • Isabel Houghton,
  • Christopher W. Fairall,
  • Brian J. Butterworth,
  • Elizabeth J Thompson,
  • Gijs de Boer,
  • James D. Doyle,
  • Jonathan Moskaitis
Jacob R Davis
University of Washington

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Author Profile
Jim Thomson
University of Washington
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Isabel Houghton
Sofar Ocean
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Christopher W. Fairall
Author Profile
Brian J. Butterworth
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder
Author Profile
Elizabeth J Thompson
NOAA Earth System Research Lab
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Gijs de Boer
University of Colorado Boulder
Author Profile
James D. Doyle
Naval Research Labs
Author Profile
Jonathan Moskaitis
Naval Research Laboratory
Author Profile


Drifting buoy observations in Hurricane Idalia (2023) are used to investigate the dependence of ocean surface wave mean square slope on wind, wave, and storm characteristics. Mean square slope has a primary dependence on wind speed that is linear at low-to-moderate wind speeds and approaches saturation at high wind speeds (> 20 m s-1). Inside Hurricane Idalia, buoy-measured mean square slopes have a secondary dependence on wind-wave alignment: at a given wind speed, slopes are higher where wind and waves are aligned compared to where wind and waves are crossing. At moderate wind speeds, differences in mean square slope between aligned and crossing conditions can vary 10% to 15% relative to their mean. The dependence on wind-wave alignment is robust up to 30 m s-1, but can be obscured at the highest wind speeds near the center of the storm where wind and wave directions change rapidly. These changes in wave slopes may be related to the reported dependence of air-sea drag coefficients on wind-wave alignment.
12 Sep 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
17 Sep 2024Published in ESS Open Archive