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Impact of Synoptic-Scale Atmospheric Forcing Conditions on Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea
  • Romina Piunno,
  • G. W. K. Moore,
  • Kjetil Våge
Romina Piunno
University of Toronto, Department of Physics

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G. W. K. Moore
University of Toronto
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Kjetil Våge
University of Bergen
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During the winter season, stratification in the central Labrador Sea is eroded by surface heat fluxes causing convective overturning exceeding depths of 2km. This is one of the few locations globally in which deep convection occurs, making it an important feature of the climate system and ocean ventilation. Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns modulate the air-sea interaction that drives the loss of ocean buoyancy. Here we investigate the process by which weather patterns driven by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and its northern centre of action, the Icelandic Low, modulate convective depths. A one-dimensional ocean model is used to quantify the mixed layer depth’s response to various atmospheric forcing conditions. We find that while net heat flux is the strongest modulating factor of mixed layer depth’s seasonal maximum, it is also strongly affected by the NAO. The Icelandic Low, despite its proximity to the Labrador Sea, does not affect mixed layer deepening as strongly. From geospatial correlation fields with heat flux, NAO, and Icelandic Low time series, it is evident that the NAO more efficiently regulates strong, cold, westerly winds from over the North American continent, which are more effective at cooling the ocean surface boundary layer. These correlations are supported by a compositing approach with a peak-over-threshold technique.
10 Sep 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
12 Sep 2024Published in ESS Open Archive