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Contrasting drivers of consecutive pre-monsoon South Asian heatwaves in 2022: waveguide interaction and soil moisture depletion
  • +2
  • Roshan Jha,
  • V Wirth,
  • C Polster,
  • A Mondal,
  • S Ghosh
Roshan Jha
Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
V Wirth
Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
C Polster
Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
A Mondal
Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
S Ghosh
Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
06 Sep 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
07 Sep 2024Published in ESS Open Archive