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Tidally-Driven Intra-Seasonal Oscillations in the Thermosphere from TIEGCM-ICON and Connections to the Madden-Julian Oscillation
  • +3
  • Federico Gasperini,
  • Astrid Maute,
  • Houjun Wang,
  • Owen McClung,
  • Deepali Aggarwal,
  • Komal Kumari
Federico Gasperini
Orion Space Solutions

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Astrid Maute
CIRES/ University of Colorado Boulder
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Houjun Wang
Orion Space Solutions
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Owen McClung
Orion Space Solutions
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Deepali Aggarwal
Clemson University
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Komal Kumari
High Altitude Observatory
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Recent evidence has revealed that strong coupling between the lower atmosphere and the thermosphere ($>$100 km) occurs on intra-seasonal (IS) timescales (~30-90 days). The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), a key source of IS variability in tropical convection and circulation, influences the generation and propagation of atmospheric tides and is believed to be a significant driver of thermospheric IS oscillations (ISOs). However, limited satellite observations in the ‘thermospheric gap’ (100-300 km) and challenges faced by numerical models in characterizing this region have hindered a comprehensive understanding of this connection. This study utilizes an ICON-adapted version of the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM), incorporating lower boundary tides from Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) observations, to quantify the impact of the upward-propagating tidal spectrum on thermospheric ISOs and elucidate connections to the MJO. Thermospheric zonal and diurnal mean zonal winds exhibit prominent (~20 m/s) tidally-driven ISOs throughout 2020-2021, largest at low latitudes ($\pm$30$^\circ$) near 110-150 km altitude. Correlation analyses (r>0.6) confirm a robust connection between thermospheric ISOs, tides, and the MJO. Additionally, Hovmoller diagrams show eastward tidal propagation consistent with MJO and concurrent Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) observations. This study demonstrates that vertically propagating tides play a crucial role in linking IS variability from the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere, with the MJO identified as a primary driver of this whole-atmosphere teleconnection. Understanding these connections is vital for advancing our knowledge in space physics, particularly regarding the dynamics of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.
15 Aug 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
19 Aug 2024Published in ESS Open Archive