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Equation of State, Structure, and Transport Properties of Iron Hydride Melts at Planetary Interior Conditions
  • +1
  • Emma R. Stoutenburg,
  • Natalia Viatcheslavovna Solomatova,
  • Razvan Caracas,
  • Andrew J. Campbell
Emma R. Stoutenburg
University of Chicago

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Natalia Viatcheslavovna Solomatova
CNRS, ENS de Lyon
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Razvan Caracas
Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris
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Andrew J. Campbell
University of Chicago
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Iron hydrides are a potentially dominant component of the metallic cores of planets, primarily because of hydrogen’s ubiquity in the universe and affinity with iron. Using ab initio molecular dynamics, we examine iron hydrides with 0.1, 0.33, 0.5, and 0.6 mole fraction hydrogen up to 100 GPa between 3000-5000 K to describe how hydrogen content affects the melt structure, hydrogen speciation, equation of state, atomic diffusivity, and melt viscosity. We find that the addition of hydrogen decreases the average Fe-Fe coordination number and lengthens Fe-Fe bonds, while Fe-H coordination number increases. The pair distribution function of hydrogen at low pressure indicates the presence of molecular hydrogen. By tracking chemical speciation, we show that the amount of molecular hydrogen increases and the number of iron in Hx≥1Fey≥0 clusters decreases as hydrogen concentration increases. We parameterize a pressure, volume, temperature, and composition equation of state and show that the molar volume and Grüneisen parameter of the melts decrease while the compressibility and thermal expansivity increase as a function of hydrogen concentration. We find that hydrogen acts as a lubricant in the melts as the iron and hydrogen become more diffusive and the melts become more inviscid as hydrogen concentration increases. We estimate 2.7 wt% hydrogen in the Martian core and 0.49-1.1 wt% hydrogen in Earth’s outer core based on comparisons to seismic models, with the assumption that the cores are pure liquid iron-hydrogen alloy, and we compare the small exoplanet population with mass-radius curves of iron hydride planets.
06 Aug 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
08 Aug 2024Published in ESS Open Archive