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How the Subsurface Tropical Pacific Responds to Hemispherically Asymmetric Temperature Forcing: Implications for Cross-Equatorial Mass and Heat Transport
  • +2
  • Matthew T Luongo,
  • Shang-Ping Xie,
  • Ian Eisenman,
  • Shantong Sun,
  • Qihua Peng
Matthew T Luongo
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego

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Shang-Ping Xie
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
Ian Eisenman
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
Shantong Sun
Laoshan Laboratory
Qihua Peng
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego


Extratropical energy forcing exerts a strong influence on tropical sea surface temperature (SST) via both oceanic and atmospheric teleconnection pathways. While recent studies have emphasized the role that coupled surface ocean-atmospheric feedbacks play in communicating subtropical temperature anomalies to the tropical Pacific, details of the subsurface adjustment remain unclear. In this work, we explore how the Indo-Pacific Ocean adjusts to Northern Hemisphere temperature forcing using a novel set of ocean-only simulations in which SST is relaxed to a specified anomaly in the Northeast Pacific. We clarify the timescale of the subsurface extratropicaltropical teleconnection (the so-called "ocean tunnel") by tracking the transient adjustment, and we find that cooling in the Northeast Pacific dynamically adjusts subsurface temperature and circulation through baroclinic wave activity. Within ten years of forcing, the equatorial Pacific features a shoaled thermocline and a La Niña-like SST cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific. In the quasi-steady response, forced planetary waves create horizontal temperature asymmetries which then drive an equatorially asymmetric subtropical cell response via thermal wind balance. This cell transports heat to the cooled hemisphere. We find similar temperature patterns and cross-equatorial responses when forcing is applied in the Northwest and Southeast Pacific. Our results provide insight into how hemispherically asymmetric temperature forcing can drive cross-equatorial adjustments without any changes in wind. This adjustment has important implications for how the equatorial Pacific may respond to both natural and anthropogenic subtropical forcing, and it creates a more complete understanding of meridional energy transport within the coupled ocean-atmosphere system.
05 Aug 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
06 Aug 2024Published in ESS Open Archive