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Cumulative effects of lightning electromagnetic pulses on the lower ionosphere
  • +3
  • Alejandro Luque,
  • Dongshuai Li,
  • Ingrid Bjørge-Engeland,
  • Nikolai Lehtinen,
  • Martino Marisaldi,
  • Nikolai Østgaard
Alejandro Luque
Institute for Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), in Granada, Spain

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Dongshuai Li
National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space)
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Ingrid Bjørge-Engeland
Department for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen
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Nikolai Lehtinen
University of Bergen
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Martino Marisaldi
University of Bergen
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Nikolai Østgaard
Birkeland Centre for Space Science,University of Bergen
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Lightning strokes emit electromagnetic pulses that interact with the lower ionosphere. One manifestation of this interaction are elves: ring-shaped light emissions from altitudes around 85 km above active thunderstorms. Perturbations to the conductivity at those altitudes relax with time-scales longer than ten minutes and therefore one strong pulse may affect the features of subsequent pulses. Here we develop a simplified model to investigate this possibility. We apply this model to thunderstorms with a copious production of high-peak-current strokes. We conclude that this interaction is indeed possible and may affect the properties of elves at different stages of a thunderstorm.
02 Aug 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
05 Aug 2024Published in ESS Open Archive