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A survey of EMIC waves in Van Allen Probe data
  • Andrew Inglis,
  • Kyle Robert Murphy,
  • Alexa J. Halford
Andrew Inglis
The Catholic University of America

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Kyle Robert Murphy
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Alexa J. Halford
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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Using an automated novel approach we conduct a reproducible systematic survey of electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave activity detected by Van Allen Probe B during the time period 2013 January 1 – 2019 July 15. We identify approximately 500 hours of EMIC wave activity, an occurrence rate of ∼ 0.85%. Accounting for satellite dwell time, we find that EMIC waves preferentially occur on the dayside, between 9 and 15 magnetic local time. This is true for both the H+ and He+ wavebands. Higher amplitude waves are found at higher values of L shell, while weaker waves occur at low L. The highest amplitudes are concentrated at high L near dawn and dusk. It is also found that EMIC wave occurrence is enhanced during periods of strong geomagnetic activity, with an occurrence rate of 2.7%. During storm times, waves preferentially occur in the afternoon and early evening sectors. The full list of electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave detection times and their properties is made publicly available to the community. This provides a reference catalog for comparison with other magnetospheric phenomena and other wave databases.
30 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
30 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive