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The transformation mechanism of advection-diffusion process with developing eddies in karst conduits
  • +4
  • Zhongxia Li,
  • Yun Yang,
  • Junwei Wan,
  • Jianmei Cheng,
  • Haibo Feng,
  • Hongbin Zhan,
  • Xianshuo Yang
Zhongxia Li
China University of Geosciences
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Yun Yang
China university of Geosciences (Wuhan)
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Junwei Wan
China University of Geosciences
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Jianmei Cheng
China University of Geosciences
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Haibo Feng
China University of Geosciences

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Hongbin Zhan
Texas A&M University
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Xianshuo Yang
China University of Geosciences
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Understanding the fluid flow and solute transport in karst conduits is of great significance to the prevention of pollutants in karst areas and to reveal the mechanism of non-Fickian transport. Firstly, the evolution of eddies in semicircular rough conduits under different hydrodynamic conditions and their effects on solute transport were evaluated. Secondly, we find that the solute exchange between the main flow stream and the eddy zone is intensified with the gradual increase of the inlet flow velocity, weakening the non-Fickian effect. Finally, the transformation mechanism process of advection and hydrodynamic diffusion of solute into karst conduit was revealed. The relationship between the equilibrium concentration, corresponding time and flow velocity at different stages was quantified. This study can provide technical support for groundwater pollution control in karst area.
16 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
17 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive