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Magma Chamber Response to Ice Unloading: Applications to Volcanism in the West Antarctic Rift System
  • +3
  • Allie N. Coonin,
  • Christian Huber,
  • Juliana Troch,
  • Meredith Townsend,
  • Kathryn J Scholz,
  • Bradley S Singer
Allie N. Coonin
Brown University

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Christian Huber
Brown University
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Juliana Troch
RWTH Aachen University
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Meredith Townsend
Lehigh University
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Kathryn J Scholz
University of Oregon
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Bradley S Singer
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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While the effects of volcanism on Earth’s climate are well understood, the volcano-ice sheet system hosts a two-way feedback. Volcanic activity promotes ice melting, which in turn affects the internal dynamics of the magma chamber below. At present, accurate forecasts of sea-level rise hinge on the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, and thus require consideration of subglacial volcano-deglaciation feedbacks. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, grounded below sea-level, is particularly vulnerable to collapse, yet its position atop an active volcanic rift is seldom considered. Ice unloading raises the geotherm and alters the crustal stress field, impacting dike propagation. However, the consequences on internal magma chamber dynamics and thus long-term eruption behavior remain elusive. Given potential for unloading-triggered volcanism in West Antarctica to accelerate ice retreat, we adapt the thermomechanical magma chamber model of Scholz et al. (2023) for West Antarctic Rift basalts, simulating a shrinking ice load through a prescribed decrease of lithostatic pressure. Examining different unloading scenarios, we investigate the impacts on volatile partitioning within the magma and eruptive trajectory across a wide range of initial magma chamber conditions. Pressurization of a magma chamber beyond a critical threshold results in eruption, delivering enthalpy to the ice. Considering the removal of km-thick ice sheets, we demonstrate the rate of unloading is dominant in influencing the cumulative mass erupted and consequently, heat released to the ice. These findings provide fundamental insights into the complex volcano-ice interactions in West Antarctica and other subglacial volcanic settings.
10 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
15 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive