Towards Revolutionizing Water-Energy-Food Nexus Composite Index Model:
From Availability, Accessibility, and Governance
The water-energy-food nexus has emerged as a critical research interest
to support integrated resource planning, management, and security. For
this reason, many tools have been developed recently to evaluate the WEF
nexus security and monitor progress towards the WEF-related sustainable
development goals. Among these, the calculation of the WEF composite
index model is critical since it can provide a quantitative approach to
demonstrate the WEF nexus security status. However, the current WEF
nexus index model framework needs to include the incorporation of
governance indicators, neglecting the importance of governance in the
WEF nexus framework. Thus, this article develops a new WEF nexus
composite index model that incorporates governance indicators in each
subpillar is developed. The principal component analysis (PCA) is
adopted to reduce the variables’ collinearity and the model’s
dimensionality. A quasi-Monte Carlo based uncertainty and global
sensitivity analysis are applied to the index model to assess its
effectiveness. Finally, the new WEF index model is applied on the 16
South African Development Community (SADC) countries as a case study. A
critical synergy effect within the WEF nexus framework is identified
that nations with better WEF governance ability tend to perform better
in improving the WEF accessibility capability, suggesting the importance
of the governance in the WEF nexus security framework.