Inverse modelling of core flood experiments for predictive models of
sandstone and carbonate rocks
Field-scale observations suggest that rock heterogeneities control
subsurface fluid flow, and these must be characterised for accurate
predictions of fluid migration, such as during \CO2
sequestration. Recent efforts have focused on simulation-based inversion
of laboratory observations with X-ray imaging, but models produced in
this way have been limited in their predictive ability for heterogeneous
rocks. We address the main challenges in this approach through an
algorithm that combines: a 3-parameter capillary pressure model, spatial
heterogeneity in absolute permeability, the constraint of history match
iterations based on marginal error improvement, and image processsing
that incorporates more of the experimental data in the calibration. We
demonstrate the improvements on five rocks (two sandstones and three
carbonates), representing a range of heterogeneous properties, some of
which could not be previously modelled. The algorithm results in
physically representative models of the rock cores, reducing
non-systematic error to a level comparable to the experimental