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Applying triangular correlation of angular deviation in muon scattering tomography for multi-block materials via GEANT4 simulations
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  • Ahmet Ilker Topuz,
  • A Ilker Topuz,
  • Madis Kiisk,
  • Andrea Giammanco
Ahmet Ilker Topuz

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Author Profile
A Ilker Topuz
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology, Université catholique de Louvain
Madis Kiisk
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, GScan OU
Andrea Giammanco
Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology, Université catholique de Louvain


The possibility to exploit the muon scattering for the elemental discrimination of materials in a given volume is well known. When more than one material is present along the muon path, it is often important to discern the order in which they are stacked. The scattering angle due to the target volume can be split into two interior angles in the tomo-graphic setups based on the muon scattering, and we call this property as the triangular correlation where the sum of these two interior angles is equal to the scattering angle. In this study, we apply this triangular correlation for a multi-block material configuration that consist of concrete, stainless steel, and uranium. By changing the order of this material set, we employ the GEANT4 simulations and we show that the triangular correlation is valid in the multi-block material setups, thereby providing the possibility of supportive information for the coarse prediction of the material order in such configurations.
29 Dec 2022Submitted to ESS Open Archive
31 Dec 2022Published in ESS Open Archive