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SA32D-1694: Using Kamodo for CCMC ITM Output and Beyond
  • +4
  • Darren De Zeeuw,
  • Darren De Zeeuw,
  • Mark Moussa,
  • Rebecca Ringuette,
  • Lutz Rastaetter,
  • Rita Owens,
  • Chiu Wiegand
Darren De Zeeuw

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Darren De Zeeuw
Community Coordinated Modeling Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Catholic University of America
Mark Moussa
Community Coordinated Modeling Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Rebecca Ringuette
Community Coordinated Modeling Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, ADNET Systems Inc
Lutz Rastaetter
Community Coordinated Modeling Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Rita Owens
Community Coordinated Modeling Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Chiu Wiegand
Community Coordinated Modeling Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


Kamodo is an official NASA open source python software package that functionalizes diverse datasets from models and observations in a consistent way, enabling advanced scientific analysis and visualization with simplistic syntax. Here we demonstrate this ability using several ITM models available through the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). Users can now interact directly with model outputs, and satellites can be virtually flown through model output to allow many types of model/model and data/model comparisons. We will also provide information about significant updates and improvements to Kamodo and future plans.
The core of Kamodo is supported by Ensemble Government Services and is available here:
The CCMC Kamodo package supports many model and data sources and adds unique functionality. Many sample workflows are freely available on CCMC’s Kamodo Github page for the community to adapt to their own uses. We invite the community to use these workflows and to contribute their own to share. The CCMC Kamodo is available here:
09 Dec 2022Submitted to ESS Open Archive
11 Dec 2022Published in ESS Open Archive