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Effect of Yoga in Pregnancy on Maternal Depression: A Randomised Control Study
  • Aarti Sharma,
  • JB Sharma,
  • Kishore Deepak
Aarti Sharma
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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JB Sharma
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
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Kishore Deepak
All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi
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Objective: To study the effect of Yoga in pregnancy on maternal depression using the Edinburgh Perinatal Depression Scale. Design: A Randomised Control Study from December 2020 to September 2022. Setting: Tertiary care (Referral centre) Sample: 260 pregnant patients were screened, 32 declined to participate in the study and 28 were excluded based on the exclusion criteria. The remaining 200 women, matched for age, weight, parity and physical activity were randomised into two groups: Group I (n = 100, undergoing Yoga therapy) and Group II (n = 100, given usual antenatal care). There was no loss to follow up or any adverse effect seen in either group. Methods: A trained instructor provided two physical sessions of Yoga, each lasting for 60 minutes and further online sessions for five days a week for 3 months. Main outcome measure: Edinburgh Perinatal Depression Scale (EPDS) questionnaire was assessed as the primary outcome at recruitment, 32 weeks (Antenatal), 1 week and 6 week post-partum in both the groups. Results: In the 200 women randomised and matched for age, weight, parity and physical activity there was no complication seen throughout the pregnancy and no patient was lost to follow up in either group. The majority of patients exhibited a decline in the EPDS score in Group 1 (45%) compared to Group 2 in which the majority had same score (64%). The mean difference of scores between recruitment and 6 week post-partum was statistically significant [p value = <0.05]. Conclusion: Yoga in pregnancy significantly decreases maternal depression in an easy manner with no proven adverse effects.