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Severe Upper Cervical Injury, Dilemma in Management, and Its Consequences: A Case Report
  • +4
  • Asmit Pokharel,
  • Laliteshwar Shah,
  • Sandesh Gaire,
  • Jun Bajracharya,
  • Maya Bhattachan,
  • Krishna Sharma,
  • Pravin Singh
Asmit Pokharel
Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Laliteshwar Shah
Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital
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Sandesh Gaire
Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Center
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Jun Bajracharya
Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital
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Maya Bhattachan
Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital
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Krishna Sharma
Dirghayu Guru Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Pravin Singh
Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital
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23 Sep 2024Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
30 Sep 2024Submission Checks Completed
30 Sep 2024Assigned to Editor
10 Oct 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
16 Oct 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending