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Anti-PL-12 Anti-synthetase Syndrome Manifesting with Multiple Digital Ischemia: Case report & review of the literature
  • +1
  • Sarah Abi Doumeth,
  • Emily Petrinec ,
  • Haseeb Chaudhary,
  • Maya Mattar
Sarah Abi Doumeth
Case Western Reserve University Hospital

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Emily Petrinec
Case Western Reserve University Hospital
Author Profile
Haseeb Chaudhary
Case Western Reserve University Hospital
Author Profile
Maya Mattar
Louis Stokes VA Medical Center
Author Profile
Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
09 Sep 2024Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
09 Sep 2024Submission Checks Completed
09 Sep 2024Assigned to Editor
09 Sep 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
09 Sep 2024Editorial Decision: Accept