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Territory sizes and patterns of habitat use by forest birds over five decades: Ideal free or ideal despotic?
  • +2
  • Miranda Zammarelli,
  • Matthew Ayres,
  • Hannah ter Hofstede,
  • David Lutz,
  • Richard Holmes
Miranda Zammarelli
Dartmouth College

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Matthew Ayres
Dartmouth College
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Hannah ter Hofstede
Dartmouth College
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David Lutz
Dartmouth College
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Richard Holmes
Dartmouth College
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Relations among territoriality, abundance, and habitat suitability are fundamental to the ecology of many animal populations. Theory suggests two classes of possible responses to increasing abundance in territorial species: 1) the ideal free distribution (IFD) predicts smaller territory sizes and decreased fitness as individuals adaptively pack into suitable habitats, and 2) the ideal despotic distribution (IDD) predicts stable territory sizes and fitness in preferred habitats for dominant individuals and increased use of marginal habitats and reduced fitness for subordinate individuals. We analyzed the territory sizes and locations of seven migratory songbird species occupying a 10-hectare plot in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA over a 52-year period. All species varied in abundance during the study, some dramatically, and all species displayed clear patterns of habitat preferences within the study plot. Consistent with IFD, and contrary to IDD, territory sizes decreased with local abundance for all species, irrespective of spatial patterns. There was surprisingly high variation in territory size within years. Conformity of territory size to predictions of the ideal free distribution has general consequences for population dynamics and argues for the efficacy of territorial signaling in songbirds.
11 Feb 2024Submitted to Ecology Letters
12 Feb 2024Submission Checks Completed
12 Feb 2024Assigned to Editor
25 Mar 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
29 Mar 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Major
11 May 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
11 May 20241st Revision Received
12 May 2024Submission Checks Completed
12 May 2024Assigned to Editor
08 Jun 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Major
21 Jul 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
21 Jul 20242nd Revision Received
22 Jul 2024Submission Checks Completed
22 Jul 2024Assigned to Editor
24 Jul 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
26 Jul 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
26 Jul 20243rd Revision Received
26 Jul 2024Submission Checks Completed
26 Jul 2024Assigned to Editor
26 Jul 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
02 Sep 2024Editorial Decision: Accept