In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Salter et al. (2023) discovered that
the Cuban Northern Bobwhite subspecies, Colinus virginianus cubanensis
(Gould, 1850), is an ancient hybrid population formed due to historical
hybridization between lineages from divergent spatiotemporal origins.
Slater et al. sequenced genomes extracted from contemporary samples of
Northern Bobwhites, as well as historical museum specimens with the
oldest specimens dated in 1859. With this data, they reconstructed the
evolutionary origin and history of C.v. cubanensis by combining
historical literature with demographic modeling. The demographic model
revealed the hybrid origin of the C.v. cubanensis from hybridization
between divergent lineages. The Bobwhite first arrived in Cuba between
the 12th and 16th centuries from Southern Mexico. Then the secondary
gene flow from the Southeastern USA occurred between the 18th and 20th
centuries (Figure 1). C.v. cubanensis are hybrids with mixed ancestries
while possessing unique genetic variants, which confirm the subspecies
status. Hybridization can be a creative process generating and
maintaining genetic diversity over space and time.