Discerning structure versus speciation in phylogeographic analysis of
Seepage Salamanders (Desmognathus aeneus) using demography, environment,
geography, and phenotype
Numerous mechanisms drive ecological speciation, including isolation by
adaptation, barrier, distance, environment, hierarchy, and resistance.
These promote genetic and phenotypic differentiation of local
populations, formation of phylogeographic lineages, and ultimately,
completed speciation via reinforcement. In contrast, it is possible that
similar mechanisms might lead to lineage cohesion through stabilizing
rather than diversifying ecomorphological selection and the long-term
persistence of population structure within species. Processes that drive
the formation and maintenance of geographic genetic diversity while
facilitating high rates of migration and limiting phenotypic divergence
may thereby result in population structure that is not accompanied by
divergence towards reproductive isolation. We suggest that this
framework can be applied more broadly to address the classic dilemma of
“structure versus speciation” when evaluating phylogeographic
diversity, unifying population genetics, species delimitation, and the
underlying study of speciation. We demonstrate one such instance in the
Seepage Salamander (Desmognathus aeneus) from the southeastern United
States. Recent studies estimated up to 6.3% mitochondrial divergence
and 4 phylogenomic lineages with broad admixture across geographic
hybrid zones, which could potentially represent distinct species.
However, while limited dispersal promotes substantial isolation by
distance, extreme microhabitat specificity appears to yield stabilizing
selection on ecologically mediated phenotypes. As a result, climatic
cycles promote recurrent contact between lineages that are not
adaptively differentiated and therefore experience repeated bouts of
high migration and introgression through time. This leads to a unified,
single species with deeply divergent phylogeographic lineages that
nonetheless do not appear to represent incipient species.