Changes in telomere length are increasingly used to indicate species’
response to environmental stress across diverse taxa. Despite this broad
use, few studies have explored telomere length in plants. However, rapid
advances in sequencing approaches and bioinformatic tools now allow
estimation of telomere length using whole genome sequencing (WGS) data.
Thus, evaluation of new approaches for measuring telomere length in
plants are needed. Traditionally, telomere length has been quantified
using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). While WGS has been
extensively used in humans, no study to date has compared the
effectiveness of WGS in estimating telomere length in plants relative to
traditional qPCR approaches. In this study, we use one hundred Populus
clones re-sequenced using short-read Illumina sequencing to quantify
telomere length using three different bioinformatic approaches,
Computel, K-seek, and TRIP, in addition to qPCR. Overall, telomere
length estimates varied across different bioinformatic approaches, but
were highly correlated across methods for individual genotypes. A
positive correlation was observed between WGS estimates and qPCR,
however, Computel estimates exhibited the greatest correlation. Computel
incorporates genome coverage into telomere length calculations,
suggesting that genome coverage is likely important to telomere length
quantification when using WGS data. Overall, telomere estimates from WGS
provided greater precision and accuracy of telomere length estimates
relative to qPCR. The findings suggest WGS is a promising approach for
assessing telomere length, and as the field of telomere ecology evolves
may provide added value to assaying response to biotic and abiotic
environments for plants needed to accelerate plant breeding and
conservation management.