Life history shifts in an exploited African fish following invasion by a
castrating parasite
Evolutionary theory predicts that infection by a parasite that reduces
future host survival or fecundity should select for increased investment
in current reproduction. In this study we use the cestode Ligula
intestinalis and its intermediate fish host Engraulicypris sardella in
Wissman Bay, Lake Nyasa (Tanzania) as a model system. Using data about
infection of E. sardella fish hosts by L. intestinalis collected for a
period of 10 years, we explored whether parasite infection affects the
fecundity of the fish host E. sardella, and whether host reproductive
investment has increased at the expense of somatic growth. We found that
L. intestinalis had a strong negative effect on the fecundity of its
intermediate fish host. For the non-infected fish we observed an
increase in relative gonadal weight at maturity over the study period,
while size at maturity decreased. These findings suggest that the life
history of E. sardella has been shifting towards earlier reproduction.
Further studies are warranted to assess whether these changes reflect
plastic or evolutionary responses. We also discuss the interaction
between parasite and fishery-mediated selection as a possible
explanation for the decline of E. sardella stock in the lake. KEYWORDS
Life history evolution; African Great Lakes; Lake Nyasa; Usipa; Lake
Malawi sardine; Parasite invasion; Environmental change.