Monitoring multiple damage mechanisms in crack-patched structures using
optical infrared thermography
The use of passive infrared thermography comprises great opportunities
to improve understanding the fatigue damage process of crack-patched
structures. Quasi-static and cyclic coupon tests are performed using
metallic specimens with single-sided bonded patches and monitored with
passive infrared thermography. Different test setups help to
differentiate between metallic crack growth and adhesive damage on
thermal images. Results show that metallic crack growth can be monitored
from the patched side, also in combination with local delamination at
the patch/metal interface. Thus, it is possible to analyse the overall
degradation progress of the crack patched component under loading
conditions and thereby to identify the driving damage mechanism of the
particular repair configuration. Being able to understand the overall
damage behaviour of crack patched components is essential to improve the
ability of predicting its long-term behaviour.