Oxygen isotopes in marine sediments (δ 18 O) are used to reconstruct
Earth’s past temperature and reveal a generally cooling climate over the
Cenozoic (66Ma-present). This trend is punctuated by large
multimillenial thermal extreme events, most notably the Paleocene-Eocene
Thermal Maximum (56Ma). We show that the distribution of these thermal
extremes is excellently captured by the generalized extreme value
distribution. This then motivates its use to investigate the
state-dependence of these extremes. The distribution’s shape, captured
by the shape parameter ξ, changes consistently with baseline δ 18 O
values, such that large thermal extremes (>3 standard
deviations) are far more likely in warmer climate states. We project
that anthropogenic warming has the potential to return the baseline
climate state to one where large thermal extremes are substantially more
likely. Short title: Thermal extreme state-dependence 66-0Ma
One-Sentence Summary: Warmer baseline climate states are associated with
more extreme multimillenial warming events over the past 66 million