Effect of lateral and temporal viscosity variations on GIA induced
uplift rates in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
Accurate GIA models are required for correcting measurements of mass
change in Antarctica and for improving our knowledge of the sub-surface,
especially in areas of large current ice loss such as the Amundsen Sea
Embayment. There, seismic and gravity data suggests lateral differences
in viscosity. Furthermore, mantle flow laws allow for time-varying
viscosity. In this study we investigate whether spatial and temporal
variations in viscosity (4D viscosity) have significant effects on the
measured uplift in the region. We use a finite element model with
composite rheology consisting of diffusion on and dislocation creep,
forced by an ice deglaciation model starting in 1900. We use its uplift
predictions as synthetic observations to test the performance of 1D
model inversion in the presence of viscosity variations. Introducing
time-varying viscosity results in lower viscosity beneath the load and a
more localized uplift pattern. We demonstrate that the background stress
from earlier ice load changes, can increase and decrease the influence
of stress-induced viscosity changes. For the ASE, fitting 1D models to
3D model uplift results in a best fitting model with viscosity that is
equal to the average of a large contributing area, while for 4D the
local viscosity is more crucial. 1D models are statistically
indistinguishable from 3D/4D models with current GPS stations. However,
3D and 4D models should be taken into account when accurate uplift and
gravity rate patterns are needed for correcting satellite measurements
or predicting relaxation times, as uplift can differ up to
45\% compared to 1D models.