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Magnetospheric Coherent Structures in 3D Global MHD Simulations Focusing on Alfvenic Kármán Vortex Dynamics
  • +2
  • DongSheng Cai,
  • Yao Jiang,
  • B Lembège,
  • Y Kubota,
  • S Fujita
DongSheng Cai
University of Tsukuba
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Yao Jiang
University of Tsukuba
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B Lembège
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Y Kubota
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S Fujita
Meteorological College
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10 Magnetospheric coherent structures related to the dynamics of the dayside 11 magnetopause frontier for a northward IMF configuration, are analyzed using global 3D 12 MHD simulations. The main goal is to reach a synthetic scenario on the formation of 13 3D unstable/stable structures developed in different steps from the dayside to the night 14 side. They are: (i) the transverse Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) vortexes are generated along 15 and outside the magnetopause near the dayside region, while other K-H vortexes are 16 generated along and inside the magnetopause; (ii) both rows of vortexes are shed off 17 soon from the magnetopause; (iii) these vortexes are unstable in one each row, adjust, 18 and evolve into a marginal stable Kármán vortex street; (iv) these Kármán vortexes 19 soon are reformed into stable longitudinal (stream-wise) coherent vortexes and survive 20 for long time over large distances x~-130 to 140Re in the magnetotail. All these 21 processes lead to the formation of magnetospheric coherent structures. 22 23