Controls on the pristine aerosol population over the Southern Ocean (SO)
are critical for constraining the strength of global aerosol indirect
forcing. The 2018 SOCRATES aircraft campaign sampled summertime clouds
and aerosols across varied SO synoptic conditions during repeated
southerly transects (140-160 degE, 45-62 degS). The SO free troposphere
(3-6 km) is characterized by frequent recent particle formation (RPF)
events contributing to large (>1000 cm-3) and widespread
concentrations of condensation nuclei (diameters >11 nm),
consistently higher than other low cloud regions (e.g. North East
Pacific). A SO synoptic uplift mechanism responsible for producing free
tropospheric Aitken-mode particles (11-100 nm) is identified using
SOCRATES measurements, air-mass trajectories, and reanalysis. SO cloud
droplet number concentrations (Nd~100 cm-3) are
controlled by sub-cloud cloud condensation nuclei (CCN, 100-1000 nm),
but direct emissions (i.e. sea spray) are not the largest contributor to
summertime CCN. Sub-micron aerosol number concentration in, above, and
sub-cloud is dominated by sulfur-based particles, consistent with growth
of free tropospheric Aitken particles with DMS-oxidation product
volatility signatures. We propose a hypothesis for SO cloud-aerosol
interactions: above-cloud Aitken mode particles grow in and sub-cloud to
dominate sub-cloud summertime CCN, acting to buffer clouds and aerosols
against precipitation removal and leading to persistently high
summertime SO Nd. Aerosol and cloud prediction capabilities in nudged
hindcasts from the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM6) are tested. CAM6
under-predicts Nd but matches observed CCN despite sea-spray dominance
in the model, indicating incomplete representations of biological
aerosol production mechanisms and associated summertime aerosol-cloud