Comment on Dong and Ochsner (2018): “Soil Texture often Exerts stronger
Influence Than Precipitation on Mesoscale Soil Moisture Patterns”
In their study, Dong and Ochsner (2018) used an extensive dataset of 18
cosmic-ray neutron rover surveys to assess the influence of
precipitation and soil texture on mesoscale soil moisture patterns.
Based on their analysis, they concluded that soil texture, represented
by sand content, often exerts a stronger influence on mesoscale soil
moisture variability than precipitation, represented by the antecedent
precipitation index. However, we consider that Dong and Ochsner (2018)
made a mistake in their calculation of volumetric soil moisture, such
that their analysis on the influence of soil texture on soil moisture is
not valid. This result does however not bring into question the paper’s
conclusion on the influence of soil texture on mesoscale soil moisture