Multi-point Conjugate Observations of Dayside ULF Waves during an
Extended Period of Radial IMF
Long-lasting Pc5 ultralow frequency (ULF) waves spanning the dayside and
extending from L~5.5 into the polar cap region were
observed by conjugate ground magnetometers. Observations from MMS
satellites in the magnetosphere and magnetometers on the ground
confirmed that the ULF waves on closed field lines were due to
fundamental toroidal field line resonances (FLRs). Monochromatic waves
at lower latitudes tended to maximize their power away from noon in both
the morning and afternoon sectors, while more broadband waves at higher
latitudes tended to have a wave power maximum near noon. The wave power
distribution and anti-sunward wave propagation suggest surface waves on
a Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) unstable magnetopause coupled with FLRs. Based
on satellite observations in the foreshock/magnetosheath, the more
turbulent ion foreshock during an extended period of radial
interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) likely plays an important role in
providing seed perturbations for the growth of the KH waves.