Development and operation of ICT seafloor cable seismic and tsunami
observation system in the source region of the Tohoku-oki Earthquake
A seafloor-cable seismic and tsunami observation system is ideal for
marine geophysical observation because the data can be obtained in
real-time. We have developed a new compact seafloor cable seismic and
tsunami observation system using Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) since 2005. Our new system secures reliability by using
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol technology and provides
observational flexibility via observation nodes with a software-based
system using up-to-date electronics technology. These features
contribute to cost reduction and production sustainability. The system
was installed on the Pacific Ocean floor off Sanriku, northeast Japan,
in September 2015, in the source area of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake.
Our purpose is to better monitor seismic activity and to observe tsunami
activity through spatially dense observation. The obtained high quality
seismic and pressure data are stored continuously by the new system.