Revealing the superpowers of smart meters for water-energy demand
management and behaviour change
Increasing awareness of the links between water-energy consumption has
seen a strong focus on examining and identifying areas where reductions
in greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved. We are becoming
increasingly aware that a truly sustainable water and energy supply in
any community must incorporate a systemic approach where community,
governance, culture, economics and local environmental context are
considered along with improved technological outcomes. This presentation
is focussed on giving a snapshot of research projects that have been
undertaken in Australia to understand the water-energy nexus through the
use of digital technologies such as smart water and energy meters and
big data analytics. Topics that will be highlighted will include: • the
application of smart metering technology to improve our understanding of
peak demand patterns and subsequent network optimization, (e.g. reduce
energy demand for pumping), • assessing energy consumption of water
heating systems with empirical information (e.g. measured water
consumption patterns) • residential rain tank pump performance at an end
use level • using smart meter enabled, water end-use data to identify
the key indoor and outdoor end-uses that contribute to water-related
energy demand; and • the water-energy nexus in remote and Indigenous
communities – using water demand management to reduce high energy
off-grid water supply costs Projects will cover urban, regional and
remote communities and will. The presentation will conclude some provide
insights on how using a combination of socio-technical approaches can
reveal both barriers and opportunities to reducing water and
water-related energy demand.